A vase is never merely a container. As Georges Braque once said, "the vase gives form to emptiness": ever since the earliest human civilizations, this object has had a purpose that is greater than its function and it perennially invites experimentation in shape and expression.
The 1,000 vases presented in this book offer an eloquent demonstration of this fact. They come from 35 different countries and more than 80% of them have been made by women or independent designers and artists born between 1988 and 1993—each of whom was invited to create a free interpretation of the same archetype, resulting in a spectrum of the infinite creativity inspired by the many possible versions of a single item.
The 1,000 vases presented in this book offer an eloquent demonstration of this fact. They come from 35 different countries and more than 80% of them have been made by women or independent designers and artists born between 1988 and 1993—each of whom was invited to create a free interpretation of the same archetype, resulting in a spectrum of the infinite creativity inspired by the many possible versions of a single item.